Section: New Software and Platforms

Eagle Tree

Participants : Matias Bjørling, Philippe Bonnet, Luc Bouganim, Niv Dayan [correspondent] .

Solid State Drives (SSDs) are a moving target for system designers: they are black boxes, their internals are undocumented, and their performance characteristics vary across models. There is no appropriate analytical model and experimenting with commercial SSDs is cumbersome, as it requires a careful experimental methodology to ensure repeatability. Worse, performance results obtained on a given SSD cannot be generalized. Overall, it is impossible to explore how a given algorithm, say a hash join or LSM-tree insertions, leverages the intrinsic parallelism of a modern SSD, or how a slight change in the internals of an SSD would impact its overall performance. In this paper, we propose a new SSD simulation framework, named EagleTree, which addresses these problems, and enables a principled study of SSD-Based algorithms. EagleTree is an extensible, customizable SSD simulator designed to enable deep analyses of the interplay between the FTL, block management scheme, IO scheduling policy and application workload. It is able to generate visual illustrations of a host of performance metrics. EagleTree is available for Linux, and is licensed under GPL. EagleTree's git repository is : https://github.com/nivdayan/EagleTree .